Monday, August 30, 2010

Birthday, uninterrupted

Four! continues at grandma's house, where there were enough dogs and shenanigans and dog shenanigans to keep any short person smiling.

Ice cream cake...mmmmm

Topped with a Favorite Thing...a bicycle!

Liam, the Volunteer Gardener. He'll prune without warning.

Basking in the grandma's houseness.

Keeping Sophie company

Yes, it's just a touch maniacal...


More bubbles!

Ah yes. Meet the birthday hit of the year. All other gifts cower in its presence. And most people and animals too.

So powerful, you have to stand on your tippy toes to manage it.

Lonesome cowboy...

...until he meets an intruder.

Really, does it get any funnier than spraying your mom with water?

I call this series Liam's Revenge. the end, she'd learned her lesson.

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