Monday, December 28, 2009

Step off, Annie Leibovitz

Liam and one of his faaaaaaaaaaaaaaavorite gifts, a not-so-high quality but super rugged camera. Needless to say, he took to it like me to a cheesecake.
Unwrapped: Approximately 7:45 am
All 120 photos the camera holds taken by: 9:15 am

Liam's Christmas morning photojournalism:

One of several, Stunned Looking Lucy

What's this? Two guesses...

It's not a welding project...

Why yes, it's the tree. Close.


Mind your retinas.

The morning's favorite subject, Hi Dad!

Yay! Can we shut it off for a bit?

A note to our houseguests: Please lock the bathroom door. I try to be discreet about what I put on this blog, but I've been known to give in to temptation.

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