Monday, December 25, 2006

A Sleigh-Tippin' Christmas

Christmas 2006

Jack takes a moment to read some correspondence from Santa

"I got a computer!"

No one is going to sink this kid's battleship today.

Ahem. Now we pause to tell you what we really did on Christmas morning. It's a little game we like to call Manage the Christmas Dog. It involves more strategy than chess, is noisier than Operation, and is more perilous than Twister.

Mind the baby's fingers...I've got this one.

You are going down, paper!

I am going to tear you into a million tiny bits...

...until my ears fly up in the air!

Who's next, huh? Who wants some of this?

What in the world? There's no cleaning up in Christmas! I'll have to start all over.

I think my work here is done.

Obviously, there was nothing to be done about the Christmas Dog. We left her to her rampage and continued holidaying...
Liam assists with some unwrapping. Perhaps this is why he's known as...

Dear Nana & attention here, this is where you get to see your gift picking skillz pay off.

Hidden Valley!?

"One hundred dollars!!?? No way!"

Who is that stud in the winter boots & new sleep pants with the wicked new snowboard?
Dear Linda, Lee, and attention! Here are your results (we apologize to you and Nana & Papa for not getting shots of everything, but your thank you notes are coming).

Oh yay clothes.

Things get warmer with a frozen drink machine...

Animal Crossing for Nintendo DS!? Aaaahh!

Hey, there are babies on this box, ha ha! Babies are my favorite!

Let me help with that (jean jacket for spring inside...)

Unable to toss clothes yet, Liam is defenseless against items like this.

Let's open the box of babies, dad!
Well that's the end of the show. From our house to yours, we hope you had a Merry Christmas. We missed you and love you always, and just wanted to say...

Thank you!

Lucy says, "Oh dear, I missed some paper! Let me just take care of that..."

That's a wrap.

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