Monday, August 14, 2006

Morning, and all its glory.

4:30-5 am: Cough uncontrollably between sips of water. Adjust pillows.

5-5:20 am: Dwell on the insane notion that we're having a baby. Soon. What in the hell were we thinking? What have we done? Who thought this was a good idea? There is a beautiful child sleeping in the next room who a.) sleeps b.) pours his own cereal *and* puts away the milk, and c.) wipes his own bottom. I'm starting all over because....? Adjust pillows.

5:20-5:30 am: Think to self, What in the hell am I going to try to wear today? Adjust pillows.

5:30-6:24 am: Adjust pillows. Enter into a sleepish sort of state filled with bizarre dreams I can no longer remember.

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